Monday, April 9, 2012

Activate Your Members

How many of you have utilized the Passport to Leadership program?  Passport to Leadership is an excellent tool provided by the United States Junior Chamber to help activate your members!  In the 10 Degrees of becoming a Jaycee it walks you through all phases to ensure everyone is getting a well-rounded Jaycee experience. 

The first step in Passport to Leadership is activating your new members within the first six months of joining the Jaycees.  After completing these eight items, a new member will springboard up to being a 3rd Degree Jaycee!  The items the new member must complete are:

1.      Attend 50% of meetings and/or projects conducted during the first six months of membership.

2.      Recite Jaycee Creed.

3.      Participate in competition or competition training program.

4.      Recruit at least one new member.

5.      Serves as an active member on a project.

6.      Attend a new member orientation.

7.      Lead Chapter in Pledge of Allegiance or Jaycee Creed.

8.      Write a CPG on a new project. 

 The Passport to Leadership form that both the new member and Chapter President must sign and date can be found at:  Once completed, Chapter’s can submit the forms for Parade points to  Each new member who completes the Springboard will earn their Chapter 15 points for Parade. 

But what if you have never done Passport and have been a member for more than six months?  Individuals who are outside of their six month window must complete each Degree separately.  Meaning, you cannot ‘springboard’ to being a 3rd Degree Jaycee by completing the above eight items.  You must complete all requirements for each Degree separately.  A breakdown for each Degree can be found at:

If you have been a member and look at the list and say, ‘I’ve already done that!’  The U.S. Jaycees are allowing you to go back as far as 2011 and have it count towards your Degree.  If you completed an item prior to 2011, then you will have to complete that particular item again.  It’s just a great way to keep you on your toes and make sure you are also receiving the full Jaycee experience even if you have been a Jaycee for many years! 

There are three phases that encompass the ten degrees of being a Jaycee:  Involvement, Experience and Leadership.  By having your members complete each Degree and phase, you are showing them all aspects of being a Jaycee and activating them as a member of this great organization. Chapters will earn 15 points for each member who advances one Degree for Parade.  20 points will be awarded in Parade for each individual who achieves the ultimate of becoming a 10th Degree Jaycee.

If you have questions regarding Passport to Leadership, please contact us at

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