Friday, May 11, 2012

Are You Connected 2.0

As I previously wrote in our first blog ‘Are you Connected’ the Texas Jaycees are making every effort to ensure that local chapters and their members are staying connected.  Since the first blog, we have taken additional steps to ensure we are staying connected!  In addition to the ways we previously discussed (Facebook Group, Facebook Page, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube Channel, and Blog) we have a few new ways! 
  1.  Google+ - Texas Junior Chamber (Jaycees / JCI):  The State's Group on Google+ is where members (and non-members) can share their views on topics and let everyone know about upcoming projects in their Chapters! 
  2. Voicemail – Texas Jaycees now have a phone number and voicemail that you can call any time of the day or night and leave a message for State Board Members!  Call 972.863.2569.  This is a free service through Google Voice that your local Chapter can also take advantage of to ensure a consistent phone number is passed on year after year. 
  3. Email – Texas Jaycees now have TWO new email addresses that Chapters and Members can contact the state and submit paperwork directly to.  For general inquiries, individuals can email and for Parade submissions you can email 
  4. Twellow – Texas Jaycees are now registered on Twellow, which is the ‘yellow pages’ of Twitter.  Individuals can search for Texas Jaycees Twitter name to learn more about the organization and contact the state directly. 
  5. Website – Now for the most exciting news!  Texas Jaycees just launched a brand new website!  Check it out at  It is our hope to have an up-to-date, interactive website that will be used as a resource for both members and non-members.  We are working towards updating information for all Local Chapters on the website, so please email us your logo and contact information (  As we work to get all of the bugs out of the website, please let us know what information you would like posted!  We are also working towards having Local Chapters piggy-back off the State website so you can create your own local website!  Please email us if your Chapter is interested in a new website.
Five more ways the Texas Jaycees are committed to ensuring prompt and valuable communication to our members!  Did you know by being a member of the United States Jaycees you are also eligible for a discount for Constant Contact?  The US Jaycees have teamed with Constant Contact, a leader in email newsletters, marketing, and online surveys, to provide our members and their chapters these valuable solutions for personal, professional, and Jaycees use.
So now you know just how committed we are to enhancing communication.  If you see other ways we can improve communication please don’t hesitate to contact us at, or better yet Facebook us! 

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