Monday, April 2, 2012

Chairman’s Planning Guide 101

A Chairman's Planning Guide is a tool that the United States Jaycees have used for decades and truly is a useful tool. All Chapters need to have finished project books or Chairman’s Planning Guides (CPG) and supporting documents turned in to state within 30 days of project completion. I do realize that in a lot of cases, members who lead projects usually are helping with a lot of projects and experience over load, but that are a vital resource that need to be completed. Let me explain what all the books get the chapter with the state - recognition for not only the project, the chairman, our chapter but then when it goes onto to Nationals - State Jaycees gets awards. Not only will the CPGs be useful to future chairman and help us obtain points on a state book level; it also helps us with State Blue Chips and State & National Parade. As you can see this is very important.

Couple of tid bits - CPGs are truly supposed to be started BEFORE a project begins. Such as you should know:

1. Your Purpose

2. Description of the project

3. Who you will need help from and how to contact them

4. What supplies are needed?

5. Any preventive measures you are planning for (weather, money, volunteers, etc)

6. Proposed budget from income to what expense are

7. What is the time frame to get all accomplished?

I bet each one of you could write all 7 of these down if your project was planning a dinner at home.

1. Purpose - to feed my family

2. Description - Supper is a vital part of the daily meals

3. Who is needed: Grocery shopper ___, Cooker ____, Cleaner _____

4. Supplies: Oven, List of Food, Plates, Forks, etc

5. Possible problems & solutions: Meal burns - call take out. Grocery store is out of spinach - get lettuce.

6. Budget: $10 veggies, $20 meat - no income

7. Time Frame: Grocery shop day before, set meat out, cut up veggies, heat oven, cook per instructions, put on plates, eat, clean up.

SEE.... how easy then after the project, you complete the rest.

8. Any changes

9. Helpful hints for next chairman.

10. Any attachments.

So after the meal - the next day you would finish the next few steps; attach supporting documents and send to me so I can look it over and send on to state.

8. Changes: Veggies were on sale - saved $3. Meat was burnt on pit - ordered Double Daves. Friends stopped by - needed more food.

9. Hints for future chairman: Problem: could have saved more on dinner. Solution - coupon more. Problem - meat burnt Solution - read instructions more.

10. Supporting Documents: Attach the recipe, phone number for takeout, any pictures.

I want you to see that this is very simple and so useful. So remember to have them started BEFORE a project begins and fill them in as you go, then evaluate. Some items to remember: Supporting Documents must be included- some examples: applications, winner sheets, pictures, newspaper publications, charts for projects, SIGN IN SHEET, flyers, etc. . The more you turn in – the higher the parade points. Remember this and this is very important…. When books are being judged, they look for the fact they can take the supporting documents and the guide – read them over and be able to run the project themselves. So think of it all, put it all in there!!

Dian Patterson
President, Victoria Jaycees

Dian Patterson is a guest blogger for the Texas Jaycees.  If you have a topic or would like to be a guest blogger,
please contact 


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