Monday, April 9, 2012

Activate Your Members

How many of you have utilized the Passport to Leadership program?  Passport to Leadership is an excellent tool provided by the United States Junior Chamber to help activate your members!  In the 10 Degrees of becoming a Jaycee it walks you through all phases to ensure everyone is getting a well-rounded Jaycee experience. 

The first step in Passport to Leadership is activating your new members within the first six months of joining the Jaycees.  After completing these eight items, a new member will springboard up to being a 3rd Degree Jaycee!  The items the new member must complete are:

1.      Attend 50% of meetings and/or projects conducted during the first six months of membership.

2.      Recite Jaycee Creed.

3.      Participate in competition or competition training program.

4.      Recruit at least one new member.

5.      Serves as an active member on a project.

6.      Attend a new member orientation.

7.      Lead Chapter in Pledge of Allegiance or Jaycee Creed.

8.      Write a CPG on a new project. 

 The Passport to Leadership form that both the new member and Chapter President must sign and date can be found at:  Once completed, Chapter’s can submit the forms for Parade points to  Each new member who completes the Springboard will earn their Chapter 15 points for Parade. 

But what if you have never done Passport and have been a member for more than six months?  Individuals who are outside of their six month window must complete each Degree separately.  Meaning, you cannot ‘springboard’ to being a 3rd Degree Jaycee by completing the above eight items.  You must complete all requirements for each Degree separately.  A breakdown for each Degree can be found at:

If you have been a member and look at the list and say, ‘I’ve already done that!’  The U.S. Jaycees are allowing you to go back as far as 2011 and have it count towards your Degree.  If you completed an item prior to 2011, then you will have to complete that particular item again.  It’s just a great way to keep you on your toes and make sure you are also receiving the full Jaycee experience even if you have been a Jaycee for many years! 

There are three phases that encompass the ten degrees of being a Jaycee:  Involvement, Experience and Leadership.  By having your members complete each Degree and phase, you are showing them all aspects of being a Jaycee and activating them as a member of this great organization. Chapters will earn 15 points for each member who advances one Degree for Parade.  20 points will be awarded in Parade for each individual who achieves the ultimate of becoming a 10th Degree Jaycee.

If you have questions regarding Passport to Leadership, please contact us at

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2012 Texas Jaycees Parade

The deadline to submit your Chapter's Parade for the First Quarter is April 15th. Please submit to Please contact us if you need assistance in submitting for your Chapter.

Texas Jaycees 2012 Parade 
Area Points
Blue Chip  
Meet first submission requirements and submit to Blue Chip Program Director and State President  by February 15th, 2012    (Must Include: Plan of Action, Membership Plan, Budget, Calendar of Events, Officer Directory, Constitution & Bylaws) 50 pts
Quarterly Reviews (by April 30, July 31, October 31) 10 pts each/150 Max
Submit final Blue Chip to Blue Chip Program Director and President by January 25th, 2013 50 pts
Meet final Blue Chip Requirements 100 pts
Red Chip and Green Chip  
Meet Red or Green Chip Requirements and submit form to BlueChip Program Manager within the designated time period 10pts
Single Project Entries ( Tabbed CPGs)/Annual Report  
Spring, Fall & Winter 5 pts/CPG - Unlimited 
Submit an Annual Report by January 4th, 2013 10 pts
Public Relations  
Maintain an updated Chapter website -please supply screen shots of updates.   5pts per trimester
Newsletter (Mailed or Emailed to State President, RD, Secratery) 5 pts/month – 60 pts max
Newspaper articles (Submitted to Blue Chip, President and Secratery)  5 pts/article - Unlimited pts max
FOYT- Submit candidate by Deadline 10 pts
*FOYT Additional Submission 5pts/submission - 25 pts max
Membership Development  
Dues Billing and Retention  
All renewal information in by the 20th of month previous to month due ( ex. Due september, due by Aug. 20th) 25 pts/month* - 300 pts max 
Year end chapter retention percentage  1pts per percentage min. 50%    100 pts max*
*PAYMENT and all past chapter dues must be paid in full and postmarked by the 20th of each month 50 pts per month
Achieve 30  each trimester (Jan-Apr, May-Aug, Sept- Dec) 50pt/quarter-150 pts
Achieve+5  per month 25pts/month- 300 pts max
Chapter with the most new member adds in one month 10 pts/month – 120 pts max
Achieve YTD +24 over January 1st, 2012 membership base  100 pts
Extensions - State President and Membership VP must become aware before start   
Extensions* (minimum30 members signed and MUST complete Green Chip and be paid in full) 250 pts/each – unlimited
      *MUST be completed in 60 days not to exceed two close outs  
*For each month extended chapter signs new members (Extending Chapter) 10 pts/month – 120 pts max
Complete an in-chapter extension in one month 100 pts/unlimited
Sign a minimum of 20 new members into a chapter with fewer than 25 members.  5 pts/each – unlimited
Chapter membership upon completion MUST be at a minimum of 40 members.
      *MUST be completed in 90 days, not to exceed three closeouts.
Degrees of Jaycees  
Number of new members who participate in Springboard 15 pts/member - Unlimited
Number of current members who advance one degree 15 pts/member - Unlimited
Any member reaching their 10th Degree 20 pts/member - Unlimited
Community Development  
Must submit project cpg  
State Project  
Special Needs:  Run a special needs event, such as special needs prom, egg hunt, special needs awarness day 5pts/project-60 pts max
Help the Hungry:  Run a food drive event, such as food can drive for food pantry, take meals to the elderly, donate food to needy families at Thanksgiving 5 pts/project – 60 pts max
Healthy Initiative: Run healthy initiative event, such as 5k run, biggest loser, health awarness day 5 pts/project – 60 pts max
Bee the Im-Possible for low income schools- donate supplies, raise funds to build playground, adopt a school for the year 5pts/project-60 pts max
National Projects  
Run a  National  Project and submit a project report summary and cpg  
National- Support the troops such as spend time at VA hospital, help troops family, donate money USO 5 pts/project – 60 pts max
Relay for Life:  Have a chapter team, provide manpower, or get college students involved  5 pts/per member who participates
Raise Money for Relay for Life 10pts/$100 – 100 pts max
International Development Projects  
Conduct a Nothing but Nets event  5pts/$100- Unlimited
Handi's Hands: raise school supplies for school in Indonesia 5pts/$100 in supplies raised max 100
Conduct a UNMG project  5 pts/each – 100 pts max  
Individual Development  
Individual Development Mock Competition Participation   
Mock Write-Up, Speak-Up, Debate, Jaycee Jeopardy  5 pts/competitor/convention – 20 pts max
Participation in, "Compete and Lead" program at conventions 5 pts/competitor/conention – 20 pts max
Create Community Training in Time Management, Planning events, Identifiying personalities such as color of personality training 5 pts/ participant from the community
State Training Sessions (e.g.  State LOTS, Convention Trainings, Webinars, Trimester Trainings.)  10 pts/attendee – 300 pts max
2012 Boards at least half and new members attending all three conventions 75 pts
*Approved Training (e.g. Regional trainings.)  10 pts/attendee – 300 pts max
*Host JCI Training Course (e.g. JCI Presenter, Trainer, Achieve, etc.) 10 pts – 10 pts max
submit project report summary with agenda and sign-in sheets  
State Convention Attendance (Must be registered)           10 pts/member - 100 pts max/convention 
National Convention Attendance (Must be registered) 10 pts/member - 100 pts max/convention 
Board of Directors Attendance (President/State Delegate or Proxy) 10 pts/officer/mtg - 100 pts max 
First Timers Participant (Must turn in book)           10 pts/member - 100 pts max/convention 
Conduct a Chapter Road Run to an established chapter  10 pts/Chapter Road Run – Unlimited
Conduct a Chapter Road Run to new chapter before their 1st renewal anniversary 10 pts/Chapter Road Run - Unlimited
** 2 Chapter members not on state board for road run  
*State sponsored event (State socials, regional socials, kickball etc.) 5 pts/event – 15 pts max
State Events  
Submit qualifying bid to host state sponsored event (State convention, State Social such as  kick ball, float the river etc.) 100 pts/event – 100 pts max
*Prior approval required by State President and Management VP  
Bonus Points (Incentives, Programming, Donations and Membership) unlimited
**Parade points to be offered throughout the year for the various Programming Areas so watch the newsletter, information from your Regional Director, Presidential Update, etc for details (ID Competitions, Chairman’s Planning Guide, First Timers, etc)  

Monday, April 2, 2012

Chairman’s Planning Guide 101

A Chairman's Planning Guide is a tool that the United States Jaycees have used for decades and truly is a useful tool. All Chapters need to have finished project books or Chairman’s Planning Guides (CPG) and supporting documents turned in to state within 30 days of project completion. I do realize that in a lot of cases, members who lead projects usually are helping with a lot of projects and experience over load, but that are a vital resource that need to be completed. Let me explain what all the books get the chapter with the state - recognition for not only the project, the chairman, our chapter but then when it goes onto to Nationals - State Jaycees gets awards. Not only will the CPGs be useful to future chairman and help us obtain points on a state book level; it also helps us with State Blue Chips and State & National Parade. As you can see this is very important.

Couple of tid bits - CPGs are truly supposed to be started BEFORE a project begins. Such as you should know:

1. Your Purpose

2. Description of the project

3. Who you will need help from and how to contact them

4. What supplies are needed?

5. Any preventive measures you are planning for (weather, money, volunteers, etc)

6. Proposed budget from income to what expense are

7. What is the time frame to get all accomplished?

I bet each one of you could write all 7 of these down if your project was planning a dinner at home.

1. Purpose - to feed my family

2. Description - Supper is a vital part of the daily meals

3. Who is needed: Grocery shopper ___, Cooker ____, Cleaner _____

4. Supplies: Oven, List of Food, Plates, Forks, etc

5. Possible problems & solutions: Meal burns - call take out. Grocery store is out of spinach - get lettuce.

6. Budget: $10 veggies, $20 meat - no income

7. Time Frame: Grocery shop day before, set meat out, cut up veggies, heat oven, cook per instructions, put on plates, eat, clean up.

SEE.... how easy then after the project, you complete the rest.

8. Any changes

9. Helpful hints for next chairman.

10. Any attachments.

So after the meal - the next day you would finish the next few steps; attach supporting documents and send to me so I can look it over and send on to state.

8. Changes: Veggies were on sale - saved $3. Meat was burnt on pit - ordered Double Daves. Friends stopped by - needed more food.

9. Hints for future chairman: Problem: could have saved more on dinner. Solution - coupon more. Problem - meat burnt Solution - read instructions more.

10. Supporting Documents: Attach the recipe, phone number for takeout, any pictures.

I want you to see that this is very simple and so useful. So remember to have them started BEFORE a project begins and fill them in as you go, then evaluate. Some items to remember: Supporting Documents must be included- some examples: applications, winner sheets, pictures, newspaper publications, charts for projects, SIGN IN SHEET, flyers, etc. . The more you turn in – the higher the parade points. Remember this and this is very important…. When books are being judged, they look for the fact they can take the supporting documents and the guide – read them over and be able to run the project themselves. So think of it all, put it all in there!!

Dian Patterson
President, Victoria Jaycees

Dian Patterson is a guest blogger for the Texas Jaycees.  If you have a topic or would like to be a guest blogger,
please contact