Sunday, June 24, 2012

Strengthen Your JCI Local Organization With JCI Tools

This week's blog is from JCI.  Visit JCI's website at


The 2012 JCI Local Organization Toolkit provides every resource you will need to manage and grow your organization while bringing active citizenship to your community.

Global change starts with local action. JCI Local Organizations are the driving force creating collective change around the world. JCI local members are the masterminds behind grassroots projects that analyze the needs of a community and establish innovative, sustainable solutions. As a local member, it is your duty to answer the call to action. And JCI World Headquarters is here to help.
Build a great new Local Organization or improve your existing one with the JCI Local Organization toolkit. The materials included range from guides on how to administer your JCI Local Organization to inspiring videos that can spread the message of active citizenship to your existing members, partners and community stakeholders. Take a look at some of the new tools provided this year.
Local Resources
Leadership and administration are two vital aspects of a successful Local Organization. They provide direction and structure for JCI members and help align local projects with the JCI Mission and Vision. Highlights of this section include the JCI Active Citizen Framework infographics and information sheet. Provide job descriptions and guidance to your Local Board members with the new and improved Local Action Guides. Be sure to check the new JCI National and Local Organization Website Management Guide to find out more about the new website format and how to best use it for your Organization.
JCI Documents
This section consists of many official JCI publications intended to serve as references for JCI members and officers. Use the JCI Style Guide. Use this guide to ensure professional and consistent writing and editing in all of your communications. Also check out the JCI Sales Merchandise list. With the 2012 JCI Area Conferences starting, see what’s available so you can make your shopping list for the JCI Store!
JCI Programs
The documents in this section provide guides for running JCI Programs in your Local Organization. Whether you use these materials to develop your own JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World program or host a local JCI Debating Championship, JCI programs provide members an opportunity to learn, achieve, be recognized and inspire active citizenship. This year, look for updates to the JCI Awards toolkit with the new system and categories launching at the Area Conferences.
JCI has created a number of videos for both internal and external audiences. New videos in this section include the JCI Active Citizen Framework video in English, Spanish, French and Japanese, and the video documenting the JCI Nothing But Nets Cameroon Observation Trip.
Marketing and Communications
Establishing a professional look for a Local Organization is easy using the templates in this section of the toolkit. These materials will help align your marketing and communications efforts to the global brand and promote JCI initiatives. New materials include the UN Millennium Development Goals posters and bookmark as well as the JCI Operation Hope poster.
The Local Organization toolkit will save you time and money, utilize JCI’s international partnerships, support the JCI global image, run JCI Programs and plan for future success by engaging your community. Our strength at the local level allows us to increase our global impact.
Pick up your copy of the Local Organization Toolkit at your JCI Area Conference or download the new Local Organization Toolkit now.

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