Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fully Invested

This week we have the absolute pleasure of having a guest blogger who is currently serving as U.S. Jaycees State Presidents' Coach, is a candidate for U.S. Jaycees President, and is an all-around amazing individual Chrystal Ramsay! 

I had the amazing pleasure of visiting the Texas Jaycees at their FOYT convention in Houston. At lunch I addressed the group about being fully invested. Sometimes it is easy to think we are fully invested because we are working so hard, we come to all the meetings, we attend the trainings, we work the projects, but are we fully invested? Are we asking other people to join the most amazing group of individuals our chapter? Are we inviting people to come to conference and get the full experience of being a Jaycee? Are we sharing with everyone we know and even people we don’t know how the Jaycees are the premiere organization for young people? Are we investing in other people and allowing them to become leaders in our chapters? So then they too can become fully invested and want to share this organization with others?

If these things are not happening we need to change. It is so easy to get the “I will just do it” attitude. It is easier if I do it. I don’t have time to teach someone how I do it. I am not sure if they will deliver on their promises. I don’t want to have to come back and do it later. All excuses we fill our brains with so we don’t feel bad for just doing something and not delegating and allowing others to lead. My favorite that I have heard all too much lately in this organization is no one is ready. If you step into a leadership position and feel that you are ready to take it, then you have been sitting in a holding pattern preparing yourself for too long.

We are all nervous when we are looked at as the leader. Whether it be a project chairman or officer, when we are in charge the ultimate responsibility falls back on us. And I can assure you from someone who has served in several leadership positions I look back at the end of every year and go I could have done this and this different if I would have known this and this. But the reality is we all feel if we would have had more time or more resources we could have done things differently. But I can almost 100% assure that if given another year to do the same position you would say it again at the end of that year also. However, the reality is as long as you tried and led with the best interest of the chapter/state/nation at the forefront and you learned and grew, you did a great job.

Remember this is a learning organization and everyone needs a chance to learn and grow in the organization. A chance for them too, to become fully invested. Besides more than likely there is another position waiting for you on the horizon.

So make me this promise today. Work really hard to see how you can become FULLY invested in the Jaycees. Whether it be asking more people to come out and join you for projects or socials. Whether it be stepping up and letting someone lead. Whether it be stepping out of your comfort zone and leading. Because by doing this you will see all the amazing things that will happen to you as an individual and your chapter as a whole. It is awesome.

Thanks as always for welcoming me as you always do. I am certain I am half Texan. I love all of you and believe in what you are doing. You are making a huge IMPACT and leading the organization. Great work this year. Keep it up and as always I am here if you need anything.

Chrystal Ramsay
State Presidents’ Coach
United States Jaycees
(352) 502-0535

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