Thursday, May 17, 2012

Texas Jaycees Summer Shape Up Challenge

The Texas Jaycees are excited to announce a new state-wide health initiative.  As part of the 2012 State Plan, State President Stephanie Traugott identified key areas that she wanted to focus her efforts on in 2012.  One of these areas is to develop a state-wide health initiative targeted at getting Jaycees, Chapters, and their communities out and active!  Not only does this Challenge promote wellness in local communities, but we are also promoting the United National Millennium Development Goals (UNMDG).  UNMDG is a initiative of JCI that is directly related to the health and well-being of everyone world-wide.   

Texas Jaycees Summer Shape Up Challenge is a great way for not only your members and your Chapter to kick-start their health but it is also designed for you to ignite a fire in your community to promote health and wellness.  Beginning on June 1st and ending on August 31st, your Chapter will have numerous ways to earn points for your chance to win the summer challenge. 

Here are ten great ways for your members to earn points for your Chapter: 

Chapter Points:

Sign Texas Jaycees Shape Up Challenge Pledge (Members)
Health Screening (i.e. Blood Pressure, Heart, etc.) – Individual
Participate in an organized walk or run (March of Dimes, etc) – Individual
Complete Physical (points per family member, including pets) – Individual
Health Club Membership (points per member / per month) – Individual
Weight Management Program Membership (points per member /  per month) – Individual
ID Health Project (i.e. Cooking Class for Members, Zumba, Dance, etc.)
– Hands On Classes (points per person in attendance)  - Chapter
ID Health Talk for Chapter Members (points per person in attendance) - Chapter
Organize Chapter walk or run (points per person in attendance) - Chapter
Participation in any other health related activity (receipt, or other proof required)

Here are ten great ways for your Chapter to earn points by being active in your community this summer:

Community Points:

Sign Texas Jaycees Shape Up Challenge Pledge (Non-Members)
Organize Community Walk or Run
Organize Community Health Screening
Organize Family Night Out (healthy activities for families)
Organize Healthy Cooking Class
Organize Health Talk (UNMDG 1 – 8)
Fundraiser for Nothing But Nets (UNMDG 6)
Organize Food Drive (UNMDG 1)
Organize Summer Lunch Event (UNMDG 1 and 4)
Organize Any Other Event within UNMDG (prior approval needed from State)

# 5points for hosting event.  5 points per 25 participants at event (verified by sign-in sheets). 

We want Chapters to be creative and develop their own ideas for projects.  If you have any idea, please contact and they will let you know if your idea is approved. 

In addition to the above mentioned ways to earn points, we are also throwing out monthly challenges.  During the months of June and August we are challenging each Chapter in the following way: 

Organize Chapter Walk/Run (minimum 1 mile). 
 5 points per person (sign-in sheet required). 
                (Maximum of 1 event)

Organize Chapter ID Health Project. 
5 points per person (sign-in sheet required). 
                (Maximum of 1 event) 

During the month of July we would like to promote one day of wellness.  On July 28, 2012 we want all Chapters from across the state to conduct a project.  By having all Chapters conduct a project on the same day we are encouraging the media to cover the great things the Jaycees are doing not only on July 28th but year-round. 

July 28:  State-wide Community Project
Select any of the above ‘Community Projects’ and complete on July 28, 2012. 
100 points for hosting event. 
10 points per 25 participants at event (verified by sign-in sheets). 
20 points per new member recruited on July 28. 

**All sign-in sheets must have Chapter President signature verifying attendance**

Please email us at to receive a copy of the pledge. 

All documentation must be emailed to no later than September 7th, 2012.  All projects must take place between June 1, 2012 and August, 31, 2012 to be counted. 

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us at or via our Google Voice Account at 972.863.2569. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Are You Connected 2.0

As I previously wrote in our first blog ‘Are you Connected’ the Texas Jaycees are making every effort to ensure that local chapters and their members are staying connected.  Since the first blog, we have taken additional steps to ensure we are staying connected!  In addition to the ways we previously discussed (Facebook Group, Facebook Page, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube Channel, and Blog) we have a few new ways! 
  1.  Google+ - Texas Junior Chamber (Jaycees / JCI):  The State's Group on Google+ is where members (and non-members) can share their views on topics and let everyone know about upcoming projects in their Chapters! 
  2. Voicemail – Texas Jaycees now have a phone number and voicemail that you can call any time of the day or night and leave a message for State Board Members!  Call 972.863.2569.  This is a free service through Google Voice that your local Chapter can also take advantage of to ensure a consistent phone number is passed on year after year. 
  3. Email – Texas Jaycees now have TWO new email addresses that Chapters and Members can contact the state and submit paperwork directly to.  For general inquiries, individuals can email and for Parade submissions you can email 
  4. Twellow – Texas Jaycees are now registered on Twellow, which is the ‘yellow pages’ of Twitter.  Individuals can search for Texas Jaycees Twitter name to learn more about the organization and contact the state directly. 
  5. Website – Now for the most exciting news!  Texas Jaycees just launched a brand new website!  Check it out at  It is our hope to have an up-to-date, interactive website that will be used as a resource for both members and non-members.  We are working towards updating information for all Local Chapters on the website, so please email us your logo and contact information (  As we work to get all of the bugs out of the website, please let us know what information you would like posted!  We are also working towards having Local Chapters piggy-back off the State website so you can create your own local website!  Please email us if your Chapter is interested in a new website.
Five more ways the Texas Jaycees are committed to ensuring prompt and valuable communication to our members!  Did you know by being a member of the United States Jaycees you are also eligible for a discount for Constant Contact?  The US Jaycees have teamed with Constant Contact, a leader in email newsletters, marketing, and online surveys, to provide our members and their chapters these valuable solutions for personal, professional, and Jaycees use.
So now you know just how committed we are to enhancing communication.  If you see other ways we can improve communication please don’t hesitate to contact us at, or better yet Facebook us!