Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Power of One

One.  One cause.  One mission.  One person.  Are you the one?

It only takes one person to make an impact on your community.  Have you been the one? Have you been the one to volunteer to chair an existing project that has been struggling?  Have you been the one to develop a new project in your community?  As the country is beginning to recover from the down-turn of the economy this is the perfect time for you to take the next step in your community to show them who the Jaycees are and how we are the most impactful organization your community has. 

Chapters are currently struggling to increase membership and add new projects.  We as the Jaycees need to take the lead in our community and show them what they are missing by not being a member of the Jaycees.  In the last month, think about what you have shown your community.  If someone just moved to your community 30 days ago, what would their impression of the Jaycees be?  Have you done any events, held any membership drives, or had any articles in the media?  If you haven’t, think about why.  Have you been the one to take the initiative to lead a project? 

Sometimes we fall into our comfort zones of doing ‘what we have always done.’  In 2012 think of two ways to be the one.  Not twenty, two.  You don't have to become the next Chapter President (although you may want to think about it, you may be ready!).  Simply look to be the one to take the next step.  If your Chapter needs a chair for a project step up to be the one.  If you have never attended the monthly BINGO project, be the one to volunteer first next month.  

One person can truly impact their community, state, country, and world.  The power of one is so impactful that we sometimes think that ‘someone else’ will be the one.  But why aren’t you the one?  It only takes one to make a ripple a wave. 

Be the one.  Become the change. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Are You Connected?

Welcome to the Texas Junior Chamber (Jaycees) new blog!  One of President Stephanie's main focuses this year is to increase the amount of communication the State is providing the Local Chapters.  One way we feel we can do this in a more effective way is through this blog!  We hope to be posting on a regular basis to keep the members of the Texas Jaycees well informed about what is happening around the State! 

Did you know that the Texas Jaycees are also on a lot of other social medias? 

1.  Facebook Group:  Texas Junior Chamber (Texas Jaycees/JCI)  - The State's Group on Facebook where members (and non-members) can share their views on topics and let everyone know about upcoming projects in their Chapters! 

2.  Facebook Page:  Texas Junior Chamber - Jaycees/JCI - The State's Page on Facebook where we not only post our views and let everyone know what projects we are currently working on.  We also keep everyone up to date with events that are happening around the State.  If you have events you would like to post on the State Facebook Fan Page, please send the information to

3.  Twitter:  TXJaycees - Created just this year, we are working on developing our presence on Twitter to keep up-to-date with not only what is happening in Texas Jaycees but also with our JCI partners with Nothing But Nets, UNICEF, etc. 

4.  LinkedIn: Texas Junior Chamber (Jaycees) Group - this social media will focus more on the latest information that we find concerning career and professional advancement along with general information about the Texas Jaycees. 

5.  YouTube:  Texas Jaycees Channel - Are you looking for a great way to mix up your trainings?  We are starting to add different videos to the new Texas Jaycees YouTube Channel as another resource for our members! 

6.  Blog: - Get the word out!  Let everyone in your Chapter know about our new blog here on  We would love guest writers to help mix it up so please send any articles or ideas for articles to

7.  Website:  Coming Soon!  The State Board is excited that we are close to unveiling a brand new website!  This website will have all of the latest news and information for the Texas Junior Chamber (Jaycees) along with integrated software to help improve our newsletters and communication with you! 

WOW!  As you can see, President Stephanie is serious in her commitment to improving communication with all members of the Texas Jaycees!  If you have any other suggestions or see that we are missing something, please let us know!  Email

And stay tuned.....we will continue to update this blog with the latest news and information for the Texas Jaycees!